I have been cranky all week. My crankiness has reached fever pitch. I can't stand it myself, so I know everyone else must be annoyed. At school I kept saying to my kids, "Gee, I CAN'T BELIEVE how obnoxious I am behaving!"
I went in the 2 Wa He Lut worlds and cleaned up. There are duplicate questions in WHL2 - too, too bad the kids didn't use that energy to put new questions in there. The presentations at the Green Conference are tomorrow. Scott= new world; Cheyenne= old world. AThe presentation time (for everyone) starts at 10:20, with no assigned times - but I have a Frank appointment so I will miss it. I said I'd rush home just in case I can catch them, but I'm sorry as I really need to go groceratisificationing. However, Enjah sent me Harry&David foodstuffs, yesterday - which is awesome! I broke my crankiness for 2 minutes while I thanked her, then went back to being a creep.
My event was accidentally posted (by me) at midnight instead of noon, so I had to redo it at 1pm. It's a pet peeve of mine that people refer to 12 am and pm when there is no such thing: noon is neither ante nor post, but is meridian. It was my fault for listing it wrongly as I know how the events listings are, but it suits my crankiness better to rail.
I made a Tab box last night, and built his metal detector today. I listed the event tomorrow in conjunction with the opening of the Nova Albion photo show.
I have two vendors in Bodega, left over from 2004 and my first tattoos and clothes. I've always sold the tattoos for 10L (10L=nothing, more or less), and have some early nice clothes. The tattoo vendor flipped out today so I reset it - I've had it happen before but not often for vendors that've been in use all that time.
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