I went to see Frank, went grocerizationing, came home, put the groceries away, logged in to SL to get to the Town Hall Meeting early and sit. Some protesters demanding umlauts had crashed the sim a few times, it was said. A Linden told them their request was noted and they needed to stop waving signs as now they were just griefing. Then I went into the Wa He Lut virtual world for that class, hoping to be able to pop back in to the meeting (which would be diligently recording itself into my chat history). I thought I'd only miss the beginning - then I'd be back in after my class. Unfortunately it didn't quite work out that way. I was disconnected, so I relogged after the class. I sat down, trying not to be disruptive. Philip talked for a minute, then typed for a long time and I realised it was a disconnect again - sim crash. I relogged to home, and Enjah offered me a teleport to Salazar's lookout, where he had a repeater set up.
Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself
I think that it was a high priority for me to be there as I had a very slight subconscious ripple of There's black day in 2004 - unjustified and baseless to be sure. It started with forum rumors. The forum is a great place to get information about things, but unfortunately there is a percentage of garbage that can insinuate itself into cracks in one's psyche. Anyway, I should've known to just read a transcript as being there, or listening at a repeater, is not productive. However I did get set straight on Mono, which I am interested in purely for Combat Cards reasons. I thought it was a new language but it's a script core thingummybob - not that I know anything at all, but if it affects Combat Cards it affects me.
I always think of myself as rising higher and higher above the fear I was raised in. It was interesting that without acknowledging it to myself I grew a little fear and responded to it.
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