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28 April 2006

Someone deliberately crashed the Second Life grid again. I went into Preview for a while, which is very different now - with vertex shaders it looks very contrasty. I found an enormous spiral staircase and parachuted off a few times.

Tomorrow at the Photography Studio we have a dramatic performance by Eileen McTeague, the brightest star in the Grignano Pictures firmament. She is performing an adapted scene from her new film, From the Shadows. Actually I created a set to match my painting that I used for the poster, and Enjah and I wrote the script (more Enj than me - me giving ideas in the beginning and Enjah writing the script). I find it fun to be inside one of my paintings.

I got a postcard from SWMNBMIMB today - she's in Japan.

My Ubuntu disc arrived today at long last, so I played with it a bit. Not one, but 5 CD-sets so I can get other people interested. I already use Open Office and Firefox, and SL has a beta client for Linux, so a partial transition would be easy, but I couldn't go to it 100% as there is no Adobe for Linux (as far as I know).

What else... I talked to Con - David was in the hospital this week having a biopsy. They haven't had any word of outcome and were told it could be A WEEK. A WEEK? I know what it's like to wait for test results although I hope in their case the outcome will be all right.

I talked to SJ about the price list, and I emailed Mel and others in the exhibit group to give them an update of my life right now. I am struggling to finish out the school year and feel guilty, a bit, that I haven't done anything constructive to help with the exhibits.

I accidentally arrived at Dreams Fair in SL at the precise time of "Linden Dunking," so spent a few minutes throwing balls and attempting to drop a succession of Lindens into a pool. I told Bub not to pee in the pool (he was the one with yellow snowballs at the snowball fight in 2004) so he came over and jumped on me and farted great green clouds. I wondered where Pony was, but she immediately turned up and sat in the dunk tank. Then I got the phonecall from Con so I went and sat on a table while I talked to her.

posted by - 9:50 PM


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I want to ask for thoughts about improving the world -- what do people need? How can things be organised?