A strange box sat in the road near my shop in Bodega. I approached. Settext said "Touch me!" I could see an avatar nametag above the box, so I said, "Hi, Dierdre," and got this reply, "!" In a mild kind of way I wanted to click it, and I seriously doubt there would've been anything untoward about doing so, however I didn't.
A Day in the (Second) Life
At the opening of ElvenMyst sim I went to sit down at the same time as another person and we did that 2-objects-occupying-the-same-space thing, then both leapt to our feet. He went to another seat but got caught in that boing-boing thing, so I offered him a tp. He teleported to me, which put him right, and I said, "Sit next to me," which he did. Then I noticed he had named himself Snotwong. I IMed Way: "Griefer?" He said, "Nah-" and added something pithy I misremember. I was trying to find something in my inventory and accidentally pulled out a lot of unlinked objects that I'd selected and taken into inventory at some point, under the name "snotling on a stick." Then I hard-crashed - something I don't think I've ever done before. When I got back someone said, "Osprey, what's with all the litter?" I wrote this and THEN realised anyone who hadn't been in Second Life would have no clue at all what I was nattering about.
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- 11:17 PM
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