Awwww.... I was in Plum building when a man flew up. He asked me how to get back to the place we start from, and I said we couldn't. He said he thought we could as his friend met him there when he began. It turned out that he'd been somewhere and clicked a box holding a female skin, and had wound up wearing it. He didn't know how to get it off, and so he was trying to get back to a place where he could get help. He flew off, but I IMed him and talked him through looking in his Inventory to find the avatars that are supplied to everyone. I hope he managed to get himself straightened out. I told him he could contact me if he needed any more help, as it's confusing at first. "It is!" he replied.
That's something that wouldn't've happened when I started, as skins were not in wide use, and certainly weren't available for free. Old school un-social people tend not to be bothered with them. The best explanation I heard why they are prized is that they make cybersex much better. That would make sense.
Later: I logged off but after a bit checked my email, which had a message from him, so went back in and spent a long time explaining things. It's really hard for me to explain something in a detailed way, while unable to see what the othr person sees or does. Once a few years ago Psi really impressed me by doing a step-by-step series of instructions for a woman in There who couldn't get her sound going. He was patient and very precise and correct with his instructions, even though systems vary wildly. He got her sound working in a few minutes. Good work for anyone, but especially for someone of his tender years.
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