I've been a raging grouch-o-maniac all day. Probably due to working feverishly for Combat Cards, and doing things for other projects as well, not eating, and the moon is almost full. Awoooooooooooooooooo.
I was trying to figure out some wonky perms on a card, and I realised I'd forgotten what "F" in debug perms meant, so I crankily got on to Live Help.
[18:11] Osprey Therian: On Debug Perms I've forgotten what "F" is - can you remind me?
someone: F?
someone: I"m not sure what you mean
[18:12] Osprey Therian: Debug perms
someone: Where do you see the letter F?
[18:13] Osprey Therian: builder, owner,group, everyone, next owner, and F
[18:13] Osprey Therian: forgotten what it stands for
someone: Where in SL do you see that?
[18:14] Osprey Therian: When you have debug perms on and you go into edit on an object you see those
someone: nm... figured out what you mean
someone: This is the first time I've seen this, actually.
[18:14] Osprey Therian: /me spanks S
someone: Never needed it
someone: For sale?
[18:14] Osprey Therian: no
someone: I'm afraid you'll have to ask Suport.
someone: Why do you need to know?
[18:15] Osprey Therian: ok ty :D
someone: It's a pretty obscure thing :)
[18:15] Osprey Therian: obscure... don't tell Ben
Damnation Foreigner, Father, Fling, Flagellate, Formica, Fickle, Fleas... Free?
The cool thing is that Second Life is such a rich environment. The bad thing is that even someone who works for the company can't necessarily answer questions. The good thing is I could talk to a helper on a Sunday evening. The bad thing was that the helper couldn't help... It's bad that I'm so cranky. But it was good when I said Tedd had the wrong words on his updater as it didn't work when I dropped my attachment and he changed it to say: "Drop your equipment here (EXCEPT IF YOU ARE OSPREY THERIAN REZ IT HERE DAMN IT)."
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