Taggerz preview I shot last night... well it was probably more like 2am today but who's keeping track. It took me literally hours yesterday to write a simple script that turned the sound on/off at touch. yeah, I know - duh. Scripting is not something I can do very well at all, although I get a simple pleasure from making my dopey little nothings. I made the animation in a hurry - it needs to be improved. So - the spray/sound turns on/off at a touch; the particles can be any color/ the label is wry as usual. I was sneaking around Nova Albion tagging and ran into a newish resident who said, "Hey! Where did you get the can?" I told him I'd made it and he said he's "only" been in SL a couple of weeks and handn't really built anything. I gave him a landmark to the Ivory Tower and told him how cool building is, and he went off immediately, having suddenly realised the power he has not yet tapped into, but is in possesion of.
I'm finding that A. people don't seem to be building as much merely because they don't realise what they are missing, and B. hardly anyone seems to understand the new snapshot interface and take advantage of how cool it is.
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