I bought a mood hud and was busy pushing all the buttons and looking at myself when I saw a green dot down by my turkey. I poked my head over the edge of the pavilion and saw it was ahkenatan who had come by to say hello, wearing an amazing new avatar he'd just finished building. You can see the size by finding me standing near the largest spine plate. He very kindly gave me the avatars and I vowed to practice wearing one so we can go roaming. He left and I quickly discovered I needed a very large number of prims to be able to rez the avatar to sort out which bits attached to which points. However, I will practice as it's unbelievably cool looking.
I spent a bit of time with Doc this morning as he was setting up the top scorer listing. I asked him about the queuing of animations to get them in the right order, as I have been working on an answering-the-phone animation for the play. I got it, once, but had to change things and couldn't get back to that point again. He suggested staggering the priorities so the first, unlooped anim would be superceded by the looped anim after it finished, which solved the problem. That was just the right piece of information.
Rehearsal was very productive as we rewrote the ending to leave "Bob" out, since we never could get a reliable Bob ad the part was miniscule. Instead Ida has a slightly expanded part. She's the SL knitting maven, and demonstrated her knitting action. Eileen and I had been talking about having music hall as our next project, and so I suggested synchronised knitters rolling on big balls (or unicycles Ida added as I was on a unicycle at that moment - juggling and wearing a rotating dog with a parasol hat - a few of my latest purchases).
Jensel asked me about having a photo show in conjunction with her rl photo show, so I took some pictures of her for the poster.
posted by
- 12:59 AM

omg He built a dinosaur. That is entirely too cool. (cool enough to get me to de-lurk)
If you're doing syncronised knitting, you'll need some needles - what color do you want? The dinosaur looks chilly, he could use a sweater.
If you're doing syncronised knitting, you'll need some needles - what color do you want? The dinosaur looks chilly, he could use a sweater.
No, no - YOU have to be the leader of knit drill and lead all your knitting group in a sychronised, percision, military-style display that probably involves splitting into smaller groups and making patterns, only to rejoin, then all stop on a dime and yell "Yarn!" or something. I can SEE it - well, I WANT to see it. I can wobble across the stage juggling to signal changes in acts (about all I could handle).
Bigger pic here:
Bigger pic here:
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