LL announced the second Life forums will colse in a month. At the play rehearsal Lucifer arrived a bit late saying there was a forum wake at his house. After a bit he got an IM - "Philip Linden is in my house." I said, "go Luc" then added "then send us TPs." It was a sad but crazed party with a couple of dozen people I have spent a lot of time with on the forum but haven't (in most cases) met before inworld. It's been two years. We will migrate to sluniverse and Second Citizen, but it isn't quite the same.
I didn't say I'd talked to Higbee on Tuesday and TPed him to Brilliant so we could form an official friendship. He said, "It's been a long time since our avatars have seen each other," and I said, "Yes - two years." He was amazed. The far reaches of my SL existence are two years ago, so that's a common time length. I've known loads of people for two years. Sometimes I met them, then didn't have much to do with them until later.
We have a new url for Combat Cards: http://www.combatcards.co.uk
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