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27 August 2006

Strange Days
Yesterday I had an early card from my father's widow - she was off to Africa for month(s) and wanted to make sure I got a nice birthday whatnot. The writing was funny, which I saw the reason for in the last lines - "I broke my collarbone but it's mostly healed now."

Also, there was a letter from something the name of which rang a bell, but not loudly enough for me to remember what it was. It turned out it was - strangely - a note from an arts consultation business I used to deal with. The owner explained she would like to know what I was painting, that she hoped I'd update my slides and information that they show their clients, and that the last update to my file had been in... 1995. Holy... moley. To receive a handwritten note after more than ten years? *

Today, which I should point out is a SUNDAY, my phone rang. It was... Social Security. The nice man who is fiddling around with my application has a name that is a twin of a cheesey martial arts film actor. He explained that I'd need a medical exam. I said that sounded reasonable. Then I said, "It's Sunday, why are you working, you poor thing?" He explained that he was trying to beat a few details into submission before taking time off, but his voice revealed that working on a Sunday was not his favorite activity.

Yea, but these all indicate that these must be the Last Days... just joking :D
* Heh - had to find it and read it to correct that

posted by - 2:27 PM


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