Jumping the Gun
I would be better off if I just marked a calendar for a few months ahead with contest deadlines and award ceremonies, however I never do, so I wind up hastily cramming dates onto a notecard at 2 a.m. The new longer contest schedule should allow me to be get my dates right, I hope. I'm a bit screwed up at the moment, though, as I set the current exhibit longer than the current contest. I extended the contest deadline, but that will confuse people who don't get the news.
Anyway, I made a new contest poster just now, but it's not due to be rolled out until the 8th, at the earliest. If I decide to go back to using backdrops (which I like doing, but haven't done for the past few contests) it would need to begin following the B&W exhibit - around, say, the 23rd.
What to do, what to do.
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