The Long Way Round to Get Nowhere
Someone at Burning Life has built a giant conker tree. Ah, the pursuits of my childhood, watching my brother fuss over his conkers - I doubt I ever actually did it myself* but I've always loved the gleaming rich brown and the lovely tree itself. Chestnuts are special, and not just because of blacksmiths.
I used to buy my mother old books from the internet, such as Compton MacKenzie's Our Street, which is a lovely book. My mum liked C.M. a great deal especially since she'd been given a copy of Santa Claus in Summer in the Twenties not long after it was published. I found her a lendable one as she wanted to share it without losing her ancient dropping-to-pieces copy. That original volume is in my bookcase now
Anyway, in Our Street C.M. talked about how words get distorted, using conkers as an example. With disgust he related how it was originally "conquerers" but had been corrupted. I think every now and again about the books I had bought for my mother and how they were all just sold in an estate sale. I suppose I wouldn't want them, exactly... well, actually, of all the things lost in my life I dwell most sadly and most often on the thousands and thousands of lost family books. I'd like to be able to think of a lost book, hold up my hand and have the volume appear in it. They are vivid yet, to me.

* although I'd bet I was thwapped many times
posted by
- 12:17 PM

That looks like a horse chestnut to me, called a buckeye in Ohio and probably elsewhere. Do edible chestnuts have that same green spiky armor? Edible chestnuts in paper cones in New York ... mmmmmm. I used to rub a chestnut on the side of my nose, feeling its smooth cool skin against my nostril.
That looks like a horse chestnut to me, called a buckeye in Ohio and probably elsewhere. Do edible chestnuts have that same green spiky armor? Edible chestnuts in paper cones in New York ... mmmmmm. I used to rub a chestnut on the side of my nose, feeling its smooth cool skin against my nostril.
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