House-Proud Spider

I've watched spiders and ants and things all my life, from my very early years. Actually, any group of beings is fascinating to watch as you see them interacting in ways that begin to form patterns and make sense. Anyway, I looked up from my monitor and saw a spider (I usually have a great huge one at this time that I think of as my Hallowe'en decoration, but this year the fat one in that long line of related decorations was smashed when Chris and Connie brought my paintings back ane did some spider suck-up for me) - just a medium-sized one (an inch or so from foot to foot) of a different variety engaged in web-cleaning. It was laboriously pulling a fir needle (about an inch and a half) end over end using its silk as a rope. It pulled the needle parallel to the ground with silk and its mandibles, then the needle dropped a bit and the spider repeated the process. I tried to get a decent mpeg but I'm too hopeless, however I got a picture of it engaged in its work. What a champ - it certainly has a nice web. Looking out the window I see lots of webs festooned with needles, but no other spiders seem as houseproud as this one.
posted by
- 5:24 PM

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