A new creative exercise at the Photography Studio in Grignano
Contest 20: DANCE
The contest themes are always loose - any interpretation is good. The theme is dance - any kind of dance, even "dancing leaves." Are you at a dance? Dancing? Dressed as a ballerina? Firing your six shooter to make your rival dance (old west griefing). There are many more possibilities than just those.
To Enter:
Enter textures of Second Life screenshots.
Textures can be no bigger than 512x512 - rectangular photos saved as 512x512 regain their proportions once they are put on a prim.
Title entries with your name + title <---= so I don't lose it in my inventory
Send them to Osprey Therian with MOD permission and COPY perms.
Give me an IM so I know to look for them.
Don't send them in a notecard - I say this as I look at textures every day but I rarely look at notecards. If I don't get your heads-up the entry gets buried under the billion spam notecards I get per week.
3 Entries is the limit.
Category 1 -- Second Life - snapshots
Category 2 -- Second Life - manipulated imagery
Entries accepted until November 3rd at 5:30pm
I'm trying to steer back onto the proper time course after getting mixed up, but I want to keep contests about a month long.
The show will go up on the weekend - and we will have an awards ceremony, probably at 3pm on Monday, November 6th.
The Photography Studio is located in The Brownstone East, Grignano
Grignano is a pg sim.
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