Things We Need in Second Life (in my opinion)
A day of grace for switching/selling/acquiring land so someone doesn't swap land to an alt and wind up paying double tier. Maybe it would be limited to one grace day a month or something, or maybe it wouldn't need to be.
Snapshots and textures given by others should go into "Photo Album" not Textures.
Additions for premium value enhancement:
Sandboxes just for premium members (I HATE clubby restrictions but at the moment I spend far longer looking for a place to work than I do actually building. I was in Goguen and the nearby sandboxes today and there were large quantites* of useless crap rezzed for no reason (a car for sale, some giant prims covering the entire sim) nothing being built that I could see - just rezzed for no purpose.
Try and work in this mess.
Some kind of privacy room or area** so we can get rid of the freaking ban lines. Perhaps that would be useful for X-rated content as access would be restricted to individuals or groupmembers, and maybe THAT'S where the wished-for-or-demanded (by some) disclaimer could be activated. Right now we have a world that is supposed to be all one piece, except it isn't, and the parts that aren't (restricted areas) don't function well at all - they don't give privacy and they disrupt the flow of explorers trying to fly around.
Well, those four things are a start. Anyone else have any ideas? And don't say stealth mode as that's in the next client already.
*more that 10k useless prims in one sim - I didn't check others
**I see it as a link that goes to another server completely, and private areas in that server can't communicate with each other.
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