My process to get from nothing to a GBC spot went like this today:
Ida told me she was going to cover the fundraiser in Big Easy sim and asked if I could video the parade at 7pm.
I checked into the sim at 5 or so, as I could do various things and didn't want to get locked out of the sim. I rang up Mothra and we talked about tomorrow's class in CTCUNI/ActiveWorlds. I hung out but Enj came by, and Rhia and Frans and Squee hung out near me for a while. Moving became molasses-like. I was poking around looking for good angles when I noticed I was redmapped, so I relogged. After a short time things got strange and... I think this is the point at which I was filming and had a hard crash. The time dilation had been .01 ===:O
I logged back in and proceeded with the rest of it with no problems. I'd wound up (trying to match Squee's peacock look) wearing a version of the peacock feather dress I had made pre-floopies and we both hung off the end of a float and danced as the parade made its sim circuit. Then I went off to sort clips.
When I was filming and crashed, a bizarre monster clip was made that was corrupt and froze the window every time I tried to open the folder, as it was set to view thumbnails. I had to make about 6 attempts before finally getting in and turning the view to list before the corrupt file came up and froze Windows, but finally I was teh speedy. Whoosh - off to the bin with that evil (and bizarrely huge) clip of Doom.
After that I went into A/W to WaHeLut2 and finished setting up the questions for the children to answer. Then I came back and Ida had finished recording in Hipcast. I downloaded her audio, picture of herself, and two stills for the report. I took her picture into Photoshop and processed it for the video. I threw the audio in Ulead Video Studio and made it into a .wav file, then took it into CrazyTalk along with her picture.
I set up her picture with animation points, and did various things then exported it as an uncompressed .avi into UVS. I had a blank "Around the Grid," and put her video on an overlay track, masking the background so the Big Easy video I put in the video track showed. Then I arranged and rearranged and played it 75 times and put in titles. I stripped audio off a video track to use over the end part. I made it into a 320x240 little thing for youtube, and a 640x480 bigger thing so I have a decent copy. I uploaded to youtube and bliptv. I shoot in a 640x480 window at the moment, so that's as large as it needs to be.
And that's it. Although sometimes it takes 6 hours, today it took 2 or less.
Labels: Machinima
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- 12:41 AM
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