Yesterday I called Opus F as I'd seen a relevent LL blogpost that had to do with augmented reality (well, I'd seen it earlier but had to mull it over). Opus, who is a very nice man and totally brill, has a project called 3d turtles, which made my eyes bug out of my head when he first gave me the url. In some ways it seems we are moving rapidly into the world of science fiction, all the while hurtling towards doom. 3d turtles are a way to contain and use data for the objects in which they are sited - an example on the website is robots finding their way in space where the objects are mapped using 3d turtles. I don't pay any attention to things like this, really, but what it means to me, a complete know-nothing, is that there are probably many projects, in every stage of development, which will redefine the world, and that reading the information, often accessible on teh intarwebs, is like entering a time machine.
*finds brother's old Eagle Annuals and reads up on the future in Dan Dare*
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