A Busy Day
YadNi Monde's ExoPowArmor
Well, hmmm, what did I do first... I think I first made theatre curtains. Then, I had Friday Fights which was unspectacular but long. I was very glad Doc was there. He did some rummaging around in the anvils fixing thing. After that someone interviewed me about the variety show. Then, or in a different order, I took Ida's Hipcast audio and screenshots asnd made a GBC spot. Oh, yeah - I'd just got to where I wanted to upload when the tubes went out on me. Comcast had a problem and the tubes were out for an hour (a rare thing). Then I uploaded to utoob and blip.
After that I was trying to get together with YadNi and every sim I went to was due to be rebooted, so we wound up waiting it out then going to Cowell where he showed me some amazing creations. In the middle something hiccoughed and got discombobulated, but we met back after our disruption and did more pictures. I hadn't seen YadNi since the Nova Albion Infohub dedication, whenever that was - the last time I saw Maggie boo hoo boo hoo :(((((((( Anyway, I always call him boss as he got me to join the SimCast dev team which I immediately quit. He sporked me into joining up again by giving me a good talking-to. I said ok, but HE was my boss.
Last night I decided the Moulin Rouge would be a good place to perform. I asked Yad about it (he built it) and he told me who to contact.
Then I logged in, looked for backgrounds until Daaneth TPed me to his new club. I tried to work in Photoshop and listen to Cylindrian Rutabaga but her stream went down. I wound up dancing for a few minutes then went off to find dinner... which... uh... is nuking. Or was.
Labels: Second Life
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