Mouse Woes
My mouse - the razer not the white-footed one - stopped working three times today, for some reason. It isn't particularly old. I went back to my old Logitech, which feels clunky. Not good for my rsi. I will reinstall the razer software and see if that shifts it.
The white-footed one is being annoying, too. It has apparently got hungry now that I'm being careful about food, and did something funny. Years ago SJ gave me some hard, round nut-looking things which have an overlapping structure like an acorn cap. They are teh hard. Anyway, they live in an old French ramekin on a counter, just being all interesting 'n' shit. The mouse thought they looked like food and somehow (must've looked funny) wheeled one all the way around the U shape of the kitchen counter, by the sinks, up to the gas stove (all mice live in stove insulation - it's traditional) and attempted to squeeze it past the burner hardware. Alas, the gap was much too small and I found the wandering nut, to my amusement.
My secret plan is to trap the mouse then drive it to McCleary, where they have the bear festival,* then release it. I remembered making (non-injurious) mouse traps as a wee child - can't remember if I ever caught anything or not. I do remember sitting cross-legged on my bed reading as a teenager, and looking down to see a small mouse (I suppose I'd sat on him). I think I fed that one to my cat.
*unrelated trivia
Labels: mouse
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