Got mah hairs cut at midday by my beloved haircutterers. We weren't rolling on the floor in hysterical laughter today though, as is usual, for some reason. Kevin talked about his hero who was the best make-up artist in the universe but had something like gigantism and died in his mid-40s. Shawn said the man was THE BEST and had made up EVERYONE but was reduced to four lines in People magazine upon his demise.
Shawn also talked about styling enormous hair in Dallas in the Eighties, and we discussed Mall Bangs, which I became acquainted with when I first started making art trouble at Wa He Lut in the Nineties. The older girls had aerodynamic fringes that were like spoilers on the fronts of their heads.
It was a whacky fashion. [[Aside: I think I mostly had very short and stickyup hair at that time. I was going to Martin Coogan who had somehow acquired some big letters from the Capitol Theatre. The only hair-related word he could make was Coil, so that's what he called his place. He unaccountably decided to go to nanny school later. That was an experiment doomed to failure. I painted a portrait of Martin at that time which he owns.]] Things seem rather subdued at the moment - too subdued in this area, which Shawn says has the world's most boring hair.
Labels: Beloved Hair Cutterers
posted by
- 3:01 PM
Haha He is a frustrated artist!
I love when you post about teaching (in reference to the post before this one). It's pretty funny and you make cool smilies.
I love when you post about teaching (in reference to the post before this one). It's pretty funny and you make cool smilies.
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