I went to bed early last night - not long after midnight. I was moving my pillow and a rather large-bodied spider plopped onto the floor and walked a few steps. About, say, from leg to leg, 1.5 inches. Although that's not big compared to the Giant House Spiders it's much, much bigger than I want on my pillow, or anywhere in my bed for that matter. I went off to plug the hose end into the wall to suck it up, but alas, it had moved by the time I returned and is still at large.
I spent five minutes fooling around and found some things under my bed (a zone I usually don't bother with now) including half pairs of socks and a pair of (unmissed) trousers, trying to make lemonade out of missing spiders. Next time I should put something over the spider to trap it before wandering off (seems unfair, though).
Labels: Dept. of I-Hate-It-When-That-Happens
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