My Computer Builders.
Wednesday 23 May
I'm such a whiny brat. I really chafe at having to depend upon others as I have always been supremely independent. Anyway, my needs are thus: I have to have someone build and set up my new computer as I am a wreck. I decided that there was no sense having hurt feelings* as very likely I caused the problem myself by being a crap communicator.
I decided I'd better just go and see them, so I did today, and they were the same as ever (weird and prickly but trustworthy not unlike me). I told them what I want in the way of specs:
/me: herky
them: kk
Actually I said duo core, 1 or 2 Nvidia cards, 2 g minimum ram, etc. They will email an estimate or 4 tomorrow.
Thursday 24 May
Backing and Forthing with Derek.
Friday 25 May
Me: I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions. I know just enough to be a PITA.
Derek: No worries.
It would be easy to choose if the two systems were side by side, however it's all speculation based on anecdote and theory.
Upshot: by working dilligently** I managed to raise the price by $1300.
Derek: (paraphrased) Personally, I'd go with the original quote. Nvidia's working on cards with dual GPU that will fit in the Intel mb.
Me: OK, I will go with your opinion (of course he'd left by then so I can overheat my bain all long weekend).
*...only took me a year to get over it - FAST!
**...wanting an AMD mb, 2 vid cards, and a bigger power supply - see, a brat.
Vid card: EVGA GF8800GTX 768MB DDR3 PCIE 575MHz DVI #768-P2-N831-AR
Labels: Brat Girl
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