Start Yer Search Engines!
Today in CTCUNI SciFair with my class of Fifth Graders.
Osprey: We are still making new questions.
Osprey: Next week we will start making the paths.
Osprey: :D
Osprey: All right - start yer search engines!
Immigration Officer: You are being joined by Isaiah.
CheyenneS: vrum
Osprey: :D
CheyenneS: XD
Osprey: Your Q should not be too easy.
Osprey: Remember you are going to compete.
Immigration Officer: You are being joined by ChuShid.
Osprey: But - not impossible to answer.
CheyenneS: ='(
Osprey: Are you Googliing?
Osprey: Get to work.
Osprey: Work until 2:20 then we can build or visit other worlds.
Osprey: =========8>
Immigration Officer: You are being joined by Tristan.
Osprey: #;-[]
I sent them off at 2:20 in a contest to come back with the coolest object. They brought back ENORMOUS things which then made me get all mixed up as I couldn't see and they were duplicating each others, so I erroneously proclaimed Isaiah the winner instead of the rightful winner Shania. She said WHAT??? then they all left before we got it straightened out. We need a lesson in "If something is not correct say what is wrong as saying WHAT??? doesn't help."
I tried to call Mothra but the school was on the answering machine.
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