There's an interesting-ish article about Barbara Stanwyck in the New Yorker. I was startled to see her described as a slip of a woman not even five and a half feet tall. Five feet five inches is a mere slip? When did that happen? At the time 5'5" was on the taller side of normal.
Labels: Dept. of Mystification
posted by
- 1:15 PM

I remember going to Mount Vernon, George Washington's country home on the Potomac River, and I had to stoop to get through the doors. All the furniture was Lilliputian. Is it the diet? My niece is well over 6 feet tall, and I think my granddaughters are headed that way too.
That's now. If I had a question it was when did people decide it was all right to judge things in the past based upon their current experiences. Barbara Stanwyck was born 100 years ago. I guess based on that method of describing things I can say the ancient Egyptians had no talent for directing TV docu-dramas and all money prior to about 1970 was completely worthless.
When she was making "Double Indemnity" she slipped on the movie's "store" set and ended up breaking her right fibula. The bone never healed properly and she ended up with one leg shorter than the other.. had to wear a special platform shoe for the rest of her life. She was either 5' 5" or 5' 3.5" depending on whatever foot she was favoring. When she began appearing on the prime time soap, The Colby's, she went barefoot and you'll notice a slight bobble as she walked from one mark to the next. Her producers encouraged her to wear shoes and when she did, her heel got caught in a Rolls Royce's door and continued to squeek for the duration of the series. She always carried a small oil can with her after that.
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