At 10:30 we ran the Wa He Lut races in CT-CUni.
Pre-race - Isaiah: Im bored Osprey: Stop whining. Isaiah: I cant do anything I qwit. Osprey: Go and practise.
I mean, this was hardly a long wait as we ran the races and finished up within about 15 minutes, however, what the children were cranky about was that the world has been archived pending a version update and they were trying to build but couldn't.
Tristan was the big winner at 40 seconds (running the crustacean path). The top two finishers were Alliance. Afterwards they instantly regained their boredom and were sent off to investigate other worlds. I did that, too, and they kept joining me when I was in places like Sound (irritatingl;y noisy) and Ergo world (cartoon houses and some good implementation of ideas in a world build to seduce one into the appealing mysteries of ergonomics. Sample informational station: "Does your backpack fit?").
After that I did various things like check out Ida's build for Saturday's performance (yay!) and look at my curtain again. I built it on Sunday but had to do it 4 times as prims kept going bad on me. Unrelated prims. Very annoying, but I got a thorough reminder in how Todd Borst's Puppeteer works, so that was all right.
Then I went to jin shin. It was fluffy whipped cream clouds when I went in, but a downpour when I left. After that - grocerisationing for a few minutes. A family with young children were all over the aisles, blocking my movement even when I deliberately turned down weird aisles to get away from them. They didn't bother me all that much, but the mother seemed like she THOUGHT I was terribly bothered, which somehow made her do moth-to-the-flame things like following me down a no-egress aisle stub and trapping me. At one point her eldest child, about 5, stood in the aisle with outstetched arms as though I were the Balrog and she Gandalf (You shall not pass!). Heh.
My own mother always thought everyone was judging her based on how her children behaved. She wasn't wrong although she took it too far. I was raised to exist on a different plane than the normal one (that is, absolutely apart from anyone but family).
After that... hmmm... various things. Oh, I made a bag of snake chow. Talked to the AvaStar. Filed a jira bug thingummy on the windLight thing I see at the moment - the end of my hair (alpha-ed texture) when overlapping the water or maybe it's the horizon, displays the transparent part as the cyan-ish under-the-water-texture color. I can force it to show me the cyan if I go into mouselook, but I think adding that to the picture I sent was stupid as now people think that's what I see. I don't - I see water, as in the hair pix, but the transparent part of the hair shows up that cyan-ish color.
I am devastated at the apparent loss of mouse-moves-sun. Boo hoo :'( I keep whining about it yet haven't filed a jira report. Salazar asked me if I had - I should go read all the reports (again) in case it's been reported already. I think I thought it was not a bug in windLight, just a removal of the capacity, but I hope I'm wrong.
Me: It was worth getting mixed up as now it is so great - Salazar is here on Saturday, but gone the 32rd! Yippee! Maxie, you and I will dance the happy dance!
Salazar: I have news for you... no one will be here on the 32nd. If they are, I suspect that the Mayan calendar will have imploded and the universe come to a standstill.
Chuck: You know guys, I just finished cutting out a little 3 and little 2 and sticking it on the June page of my calendar....................sheesh.
Me: The 32nd is the day everyone gets their pay! Yippee!
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