Wednesday I got overheated and sick, and yesterday I was cranky (sorry, Ida) as I was still feeling crappy and the entire day was like a tangled, wet, knotted, frayed, 100 mile shoestring that had been pulled tight and which I was required to untangle.
Excuses, excuses.
Anyway, I received a phonecall from an ertswhile work aquaintance, who quit I believe the year before I left. We weren't pals, but she's very lively and enthusiastic, and has organised a kind of Old Luters get-together at the Eastside Club (grotty bar with pool tables - and I believe the EC is the place with the thrift shop landscape upon which some long-ago wag painted a mushroom cloud). I never go anywhere any more, so I misremember. I explained the not-going-anywhere part to her, and told her to say a toast to me instead. She responded that they will all call me, which is going a bit too far, in my book. I was the "oldest" employee while I was there, but I think Sallee has now perhaps equaled my work-timespan. Not sure.
She kept me on the phone a long time, telling me about good things she is doing (just started a new novel, etc.). She asked me if I ever saw any of the people I knew at the Lut (I have to say she is a great deal more social than I, as I'm usually sporking people to keep them away, not trying to round them up). I said that Tiff was due to arrive in 40 minutes - haha.
Tiff arrived, and I was already on the ropes due to Wednesday backlash + exhausting phone conversation + 100 mile shoestring unravelfest. She stayed for a bit then left (it was late and she had a long drive ahead of her, so I didn't feel too bad about being obviously past any interest in social activities (which I don't have much of anyway).
All day I'd been trying to get the opening set up for The Show Must Go On, and wound up in conversation with Kain at perhaps 11pm. I IMed everyone AGAIN (they must be sick of me) and we set this time (mark it on yer calendars):
Opening Performance
9 June @ 4pm
Pantheon Theatre on Info Island II
Now we need to rehearse there. I can see how it will work with no curtain - I don't think that will be a prob, really. The stage is wide yet shallow, so it would make sense to add an apron (half round or rectangular) if we are able.
After that it's:
Matinee Performance
16 June @ 2pm
Machmit sim
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