If I Could've Had Any Rez Day Present...
Click here to watch 'Rez-Day-07'
A couple of weeks ago on my rezday I went on a solitary flight around the moth temple. I made a moth staff (just blown together on the spot) with mothy minions. G'al but I miss the old lanterns :( If I could've had a rezday present I'd've asked for the lanterns to be put back. They were lovely.
I can well understand that little additional content can be supplied by LL (bless you, Michael, for the bridge). However, old content is very important as clues for us to unravel - nay, not unravel but to knit around with our imaginations.
I miss the lanterns, Magellan (around whom I had a whole plot percolating), and Xenon, whose imaginative additions enhanced greatly our world. Those LL builds serve as a common thread, a way to draw the vision back so everyone in the world has a shared experience and a glimpse of a bigger picture. Without that we all resolutely peer into our microscopes and believe we see through a telescope. There are a million places I've never been to - never even heard of, a million people I have not met and with whom I may not share interests or even language. I think having a few shared things is of value.
Labels: Second Life
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