Certain people* think I am totally mad, but I've always believed LL is doing a lot of necessary structural changes to Second Life that will result in more-or-less a new platform ready for (or already incorporating) things we've been waiting for for a long time. I think SL started a bit off kilter and quick fixes got it into a muddle, and that nothing could be done but to simultanously keep the online grid going while preparing a replacement. In other words work on two projects at the same time. At least that's how I see it.
I base my thoughts on nothing much: belief and trust, and certain wave disturbances that feel like someone tippy-toe-ing through the code. It feels like the grid equivilent of a girl wearing an old dress whilst a new dress is created beneath. What seem like random holes are cut in the old dress, showing the new dress. At some point the old one will be gone.
*>:( heh
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posted by
- 7:06 PM

Serpentus Gigantus would see this as a snake shedding his skin... it's a wiggle and a stuggle, but eventually a shiny new skin will emerge. Maybe the Lindens' technology will be able to scale better after of few more scales are sheddered!
I wriggle and writhe whilst reading your wramblings but I have faith that my fretting is feeble and will soon be forgotten.
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