Every once in a while someone I met during his or her first few days turns up as a more seasoned resident. It's always good for me to see them, and indeed, thinking about the time a former newb came to me in the Photography Studio and presented me with a rose will always make me smile. Although we residents are frequently busy or distracted we need to remember that the new person behind the avatar is probably a little confused, and that we can turn the situation around with a few friendly words.
[12:58] Avatar Friend: hi, for some re. you have come to mind twice today. I know you cant rem me, but I met you last Dec. outside your gallery, I wanted to say
[12:58] Osprey Therian: :D
[12:58] Avatar Friend: how much I appreciated your kindness then
[12:58] Osprey Therian: Aw - that's very nice.
[12:58] Osprey Therian: I remember your name - hah!
[12:59] Osprey Therian: How are you doing?
[12:59] Avatar Friend: great!
[12:59] Avatar Friend: Ive thought of you several times
[12:59] Avatar Friend: ya know when your new, omg
[12:59] Avatar Friend: dont want to bother you, just saying thanks
[13:00] Osprey Therian: I have a friend's brother who is going to join and I just am not sure how to help him have a good experience.
[13:00] Avatar Friend: Im off to see your cave
[13:00] Osprey Therian: It's just EVERYTHING at ONCE.
[13:00] Avatar Friend: oh I can help, I love to help new people
[13:00] Osprey Therian: Any recommendations?
[13:00] Avatar Friend: well most of the time it is all about who you meet
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