From Higbee by way of Salazar: "When you take in a group of priced objects to inventory and set them back out. It's resetting them all to the price of the last gathered object."
FS: http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-930
FS: Just a warning to everyone. I found out the hard way. The new client has a bug. If you take copies of vendors to drop them later, the new client resets all sale prices to the last seletced prim
I tried it with 1.18.3(5) and it was consistent :( I can't vote on the JIRA as I can't log in anymore, but I certainly would if I could.
Labels: Second Life
posted by
- 10:57 AM

I can't log into the JIRA - not Second Life itself :D I'm sure LL don't miss my bits and pieces on the JIRA, although I miss it a bit and am not inclined to go and read it if I can't log in. If I'm not wanted... :-D
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