It's snowing and windy - my power might go out, since it goes out every time there's a powerful wind. Just for the record it has nothing to do with paying the electricity bill :D It has a lot to do with Bush and his cronies enabling corporations to loot and pillage the United States, which for my electricity means Weyerhauser et al logged huge swathes nearby leaving unsellable spindly trees that blow over in high winds and take out* power lines.
Update: It went out twice but came on again both times after a few minutes. The wind is all over the place - the speed and direction shift constantly, and sometimes the snowflakes are wandering around and slowly going up, across, left, right, down. Other times the snow is screaming along horizontally.
*And no, Enj, it wouldn't be good to bury the lines, since the occasional bad earthquake would mean certain areas would be out of power for years. Above ground lines are easily found and sorted, but a billion invisible underground breaks would be a problem, indeed.
Labels: Don't be surprised if my power goes out again.
posted by
- 10:48 AM

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