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03 December 2007

I've called the Knitters - we will rehearse several times then Salazar will video us.

Lucy said:
Lucy frantically searches for dry-cleaning ticket for Knitters costume and phone number of Unicycle Tune-up Emporium

Monty said:
My Service company is in direct competition with Unicycle Tune-up Emporium. We are currently running a special on tire balancing: Two for the Price of One, with free rotation for a year.

Unicycles®Us "We'll make you a square round deal !"

* This ad paid for by the United Orthopedic Surgeons Association.


posted by - 9:18 PM

I'm a knitter!

Do they make tiny unicycles?
I made the animation for the Big, and I admit I have never attempted a Tiny animation of any kind - who knows how it would turn out ===:O
Only one way to find out Os... :-D

p.s. Make sure Sal sands down the stage - I wouldn't want a knitter to get the a strand of her bra caught on a splinter...

p.p.s. Or would I?

p.p.p.s. Yes. Yes I would. /me thinks about hanging head in shame but is unsure how to do so.

p.p.p.p.s. What program do you use to make animations?
I'm more worried about catching a strap on those horns, if you hang your head in shame, HBA. If unravelling thespians is your shameful secret, then you had better not join us backstage, where amidst a flurry of costume changes one or another of us usually finds her body in an unclothed state, feeling much like an unbodied soul!
p.p.p.p.s QAvimator; bvhacker.
I use SLat because that's what I chose ages ago, but I dunno which is the best. I have Poser but never use it.
Young, I had never thought of how useful my horns could be! But rest assured, were I to join you backstage, I'd unscrew them first.

And spend a week prior in a monastery to cleanse my thoughts.
Young and Os: I've downloaded Avimator... I'll let you know how I find it :)

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