'F I Were King of the Forest...
The Second Life forums have lately degenerated - and that's sad because wonderful information can be found there. New people needing help - often as simply solved as identifying the keyboard shortcuts they need to turn off updates, for instance - from other residents can get immediate help. Any resident needing help, in fact - whether technological, building, or so forth - can get the benefit of others' experience, training, or memories.
Up until a few months ago I'd look at the forums every day, but often after reading someone's plea for help just went inworld and talked to them instead of posting. The noise to signal ratio lately has increased to the point where threads quickly scroll off the first page and get lost. G'al help anyone with a genuine problem, as most of the posts are egocentric drivel.
If I ruled the forum I'd make a stream of consciousness or tickertape forum that would have just one page. Anyone could post anything there, but once it scrolled off the page it would be gone forever. Resident Answers would be kept for resident answers, and if someone posted drivel there they would be confined to the stream of consciousness forum forever after.
The best thing about a stream of consciousness forum is that people would get to vent their feeling but then there would be an auto-flushing action :D
New! Stream of Consciousness Forum with Modern, Hygienic Auto-Flush Action!
posted by
- 9:55 PM

Will there be a flushing sound? Then I vote yes.
I liked the forums too, but I have a hard time finding answers there. Especially if I have to scroll through 5 pages of flame throwing just to get the answer to my problem. If I can find it at all. reading the Jira has been a little more helpful.
Oh, and you. :) Maybe you should set up office hours. hee.
I liked the forums too, but I have a hard time finding answers there. Especially if I have to scroll through 5 pages of flame throwing just to get the answer to my problem. If I can find it at all. reading the Jira has been a little more helpful.
Oh, and you. :) Maybe you should set up office hours. hee.
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