I was startled to get a bill notice again from DreamHost, and poked through my things there getting more confused as I went - well, with reason as they sent this just now-
Hi Vivian!
Ack. Through a COMPLETE bumbling on our part, we've accidentally attempted
to charge you for the ENTIRE year of 2008 (and probably 2009!) ALREADY
(it was all due to a fat finger)!
We're really really realllly embarassed about this, but you have nothing
to worry about. Please ignore any confusing billing messages you may have
received recently.
The Foolish DreamHost Billing Team!
I know from experience online repeat billing frequently gets screwed up, with overcharges, double charges, etc., yet this is the first time I've had a spontaneous and speedy email mea culpa. DreamHost = purdy guid.
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