Nothing is Worse Than Mortal Fumes
Enj and I had to go to buy an animation this afternoon, and wound up cackling in IM over the conversations of the people around us. Slaves meeting masters, non-humans, people from many different countries, ordinary folk - and two sword-weilding amazons, one sitting in the bath, the other showering and both with ears pricked and LOLs discretely hidden in IM.
lovelessheart: laggy as fuck
Aden: hopp
Mannen: cause all these mortals
lovelessheart: i know
PatrickSteph: babbler not work here
BleedingMascara: /sync
Sheela: i see...
lovelessheart: they make the air all thick with fumes and shit
BleedingMascara: >.
Osprey Therian farts.
PatrickSteph: i ome in your city
Aden: macht er gleich von alleine
Oh, bad Os, bad Os - however no one paid any attention.
Labels: Department of Bwuhahahaha
posted by
- 5:11 PM

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