Twekking Awound Twinity

Playing Air Guitar in San Francisco

Reflections in Ukraine (I suppose it was Kiev but I don't remember)

A balcony in London ;D
I forgot about Twinity until receiving the beta info just now, but I leapt into it to explore. It reminds me a lot of Metaverse but I don't know if it uses that platform or if all beta worlds share certain klunky similarities. Twinity is Earth-based, and you may create your apartment in cities around the globe. You can teleport around - but the ambient light is roughly that of the RL sun, so carry a lamp or only visit parts of the globe that are in daylight or which are well-lit. There is, a yet, no outside.

A Shop in Cairo
Right now this are slow, most places look the same, and avatar movement requires arrow keys/right MB, which is problematic if you can't use both hands (I need to investigate the UI options, so I might be able to change that). Currency is the Global, which I can't stop thinking of as the Globule. But I have money issues ;D Biggest letdown: I can't fly ===:O
posted by
- 12:05 PM

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