An unusual night.
I logged in last night at, oh, I dunno - 6? - to do some work, but got TPed immediately by Juin Juran to the beta concert. Komuso had already invited me to film so I just turned off the UI and gathered many gigsworth, then edited until about 1am or so, when I went inworld to try to do my work. After a while I got sidetracked in some conversations, logged off, logged on, tried to work more, logged off at around 4:30 when someone* told me to go and sleep. Tried to sleep but couldn't, got back up and tried to edit out the crackles in the vid; couldn't. Tried to find the (erstwhile) place on Netflix where one can ask for a movie, but failed to see it. Went inworld, came out, went to bed at 7 am. The sky was lightening so it was hard to sleep. Went to sleep. Woke up at 8 but felt one hour would not cut the mustard. Went to sleep, woke up at 10:30, got up legally, at last, ate cornflakes and drank coffee, fired up the puter, watched the SynaesthAsia vid twice, gnashing my teeth at the snapping noices (which are on the soundtrack not, as I originally thought, an artifact of editing). Fixed the blog video url. Wrote a blogpost. /me watches herself. Moved this from the video post to a new post as it's no longer about music. *Stares out window at the snow*
Did I travel in time yet? Damnation.
*I said "go to the Mono meeting, you know you want to," he said, "you should go to the bed meeting!"
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