Watching movies* at Motorability. I don't know how Patty will like it, but I'm interested more in making it fun than... uh... than... uh... not fun. I stuck a kaleidescopic movie dome in the water so you can float around on an inner tube and watch. Really, I'm not even started with content - will need the builds okayed first.
I'm sad that translucents are now solid at a distance. It sort of destroys a lot of what I was doing if it stays that way (and it's by design so might). I changed some things and need to change some more - it seems that (I think) past a certain percentage point things go invisible rather than opaque - which would be far better for the dark blue underdome as it looks very nasty opaque. It's unlinkable so changing it will be tedious but I can link some smaller segments together as I go (I did do that before but am not certain where it went).
While working I had issues with a ghost prim, prim rot, spontaneous prim movement - and the region was restarted three times. Minor, minor issues though, I must say (except the ghost prim was a 40x40 sculpty and ghosted right in the tunnel so it is or was (I was just booted for region restart) blocking.
I'm still terraforming as I go, and building as I go. I have lots of things built but unsurprisingly they haven't always been what I wanted (I haven't even rezzed most of them). Kaeli lowered the orientation track, which will need a lot of work on the textures to make it useable.
*Example movies - who knows what they will decide on.
posted by
- 6:47 PM
Awww thanks mate! I have managed the odd hour here and there and I was on for a good two or more last night, but then SL's problems beat me by 'stealing' my money in a rent-error-thing. I'll be on tonight trying to sort it out and I'll be coming to the awards ceremony, of course! I'm also going to make a stab (ho ho ho) at attending the CC bash (he he he) on Sunday.
You know, I've really missed you and Enjah and Pinks and Janey :)x
You know, I've really missed you and Enjah and Pinks and Janey :)x
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