I'm back.*
Everything feels odd. It would've been faster had my computer men not become unwell. Also I made them suck a fat filefolder off my old one onto my new one JUST IN CASE, as I had suddenly remembered that month after the original 8800 exploded during which I was tossed back onto my old computer.
Earlier today:
Me, having waited in my car then finally gone inside the building: YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO COME RUNNING OUT WHEN I DRIVE UP. Service has GONE TO HELL around here. (They weren't bothered by me saying that, fortunately.)
Me, 5 minutes later, after they put the computers in my car: Have you tried the 9-what-have-you card?
Craig: No.
Time stands still for a moment while we both think about it.
I noticed for the first time a defunct-looking shop across the street called Olygeek, which must've come and gone without me noticing or else is viable but just appears dead. It was a semi-interesting wait in my car as a lot was going on including a young woman running down the middle of the right lane in traffic. Hey! You forgot your car!
*I logged in and was wearing a hazmat suit and carrying a spork and an umbrella (it goes without saying that I was wearing a tricorne). Alternate Surreality.
posted by
- 2:12 PM

*sweetly adoring (well-built and impeccably groomed) male attendants from nearby service stations line up in front of Osprey's house awaiting her commands*
Only the computer men - and they do run out, conveniently enough, although today I had to Scott when I would be arriving instead of Craig, and Scott was in the back. Adoring I doubt, however they are kind. They are sweeter than me, though - not that it would be difficult to attain that degree of sweetness.
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