I Don't Know Why Frank Thinks I Am Grouchy
[11:23] Tiger Duesenburg: it mike look better if that line was in the middle
[11:23] Enjah Mysterio: the line is for the audience to see only
[11:24] Tiger Duesenburg: i know
[11:24] Enjah Mysterio: from the front
[11:24] Enjah Mysterio: but you may be right
[11:24] Enjah Mysterio: I took the easy way lol
[11:24] Tiger Duesenburg: it would looks more realistic i should say
[11:24] You: it's not possible to have it work for every camera angle
[11:24] You: anyway
[11:24] Tiger Duesenburg: yeah it is :-P
[11:25] Tiger Duesenburg: sorta
[11:25] You: tiger, you are welcome to come to the show but right ow we are working.
[11:25] Tiger Duesenburg: make that platform full alpha... then add a fake beam down the middle
[11:25] You: And need to concentrate.
[11:25] Enjah Mysterio: I have three complex sets I am working with and now is not the best time to re-tool
[11:26] Enjah Mysterio: but thank you for your comments
[11:26] Enjah Mysterio: I will take them into consideration
[11:26] Enjah Mysterio: for our next show
[11:26] You: Tiger - that doesn't take into account the avatar position.
[11:26] Tiger Duesenburg: im into construction more them watching
[11:26] You: but ty
[11:26] You: Tiger, piss off.
[11:27] You: You are using up our very short amount of time.
[11:27] Tiger Duesenburg: w/e
[11:27] You: jF
[11:28] You: teen grid is that way
posted by
- 11:30 AM

I hate it when people are "sticky." It's always very young people, too.
They seem to have no ability to see things without themselves being of primary importance.
They seem to have no ability to see things without themselves being of primary importance.
HAHAHAHA I enjoyed the hell out of it. You SAID what I WAS FEELING! You stood up for me (not surprisingly, but more vociferously than I expected). THANKS!!! *begins tap dancing while playing a banjo, a harmonica and a nose whistle, and cymbals between her knees*
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