I started out the day waiting an hour for the Titanic owner, who didn't come, but I did a lot of set-up work (she just IMed me and told me she'd put up a phantom wall in our space, which is distessing). People don't actually understand what we do so think their changes are benign, but the changes usually are anything but.
HBA teleported me to Orange Island as they were attempting to get 100 people in a picture. I sat down and immediately got an IM from Jade asking me if I would come - I said "I'm already here." Haha! I asked if anyone remembered that preview pile-on ages ago when there were more than a hundred people in a sim. I remember making a blogpost with a picture of the mini-map showing towers of green dots. Damien Fate said he remembered, so it wasn't my imagination. I've always wondered what happened to that bit of code.
While I was sitting and waiting I shot some footage and made a super-quick machinima to keep busy. I was anticipating filming Serpentus Gigantus later, so set up at the Eleanor and filmed the half without the snake. I was unwilling to send an IM to Salazar as there were grid problems, and anyway today was a nice day and I think most people would not wish to be inside.
So I'm neeeaaarrrlllly finished with the video - I can't wait to get it done and kick about a beellion gigs off my HD.
Enjah got her replacement computer - excellent.
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