There's a weird thread on the SL forum where people, apparently, have just discovered that you can take unlinked objects into your inventory then rez them in build and have them be in the same alignment. I remember saying to Doc about two years ago, "When did rezzing unlinked prims in build get beyond people?" as I was having to explain my custom unlinkable tents very carefully to buyers, and go and demonstrate for them.
Apparently that knowledge was lost by the common resident, and some people have now discovered the information anew. I find that rather bizarre. In the past there was no "coalesced" icon and things returned did not arrive in a wad, but came one by one by one by one by... You get the picture. It was less easy to know what was a group of unlinked prims. Products like the Rez Foo, which originally were intended I think for large builds, became commonly used for even modestly-sized unlinkable builds. I think that's about when the ordinary resident started being unable to function fully.
Labels: Dept. of Mystification
posted by
- 7:23 AM

I think my brain is either/or/and de-rezzed and unlinked. Me and the world are in very different places today.
LOL - Sweet Jebus, no! It's not that... more lack of sleep due to too much SL (as well as mother-in-law staying over and not sleeeping so waking up The Boy - 4.5 hours I got last night) and my head swimming with ideas for posts, pictures, acts, builds and machinima.
I fear I'm on SL overload, but it is a sweet addiction :)
I fear I'm on SL overload, but it is a sweet addiction :)
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