Trust me to find the only platypus at SL5B - that might ruin my platypus-free certification for a day or two.
I've avoided the SL5B for the most part, since it's just a trade show, now. Case in point - all those sculpty animals above are for sale and are advertising for the person who made them. It's not necessarily an AWFUL thing - just not something I am interested in.

I wanted to put something in the time capsule, so went to that area - where I saw one of my topiary things from 2005 that had been time-encapsulated. I had a topiary SL hand and some hippos - made for the 2005 call-for-hippos-at-the-infohubs, that used Altruima Linden's hippos as the jumping off point.

Alas the time capsule was offline for back-upperisationing, so my plans were thwarted.
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