Human Age 3 - Egyptians
Khran Ra-Zeh Tribe
I evolved from the Celtic Age last week and have been busily hunting sharks, carving limestone blocks for my boss (a young Romanian, of course), and guarding Sakhmetis City. Politics and warfare is more complicated, it seems, as I was guarding last night and got shoved into a pillaging raid by the pharoah. I made 82 beetles in loot but while I was away someone stole my harpoon - so the loot went out instantly as a new harpoon is over a hundred scarabs.
Reading the forum it seems the PE schedule got all mixed up and the generals were throwing soldiers off PEs and onto guard duty from whence the pharoah could send the same soldiers out on the correct expedition. I got caught in the crossfire, I think, which was fine except I'd just been put into a guard unit.
In hunting I just stuck to lunar sharks today and had a very good catch. My strength is up to 97 already, and my stamina is rising now, too. In Age 3 one is forced to marry, and may have children. Children seem like an OK deal as they leave at 18 moons then send a remittance home :-D The Age 3 interface is very nice.
Age 2
Ivka got a wee bit bored (quarterton hadn't offered to fight him in a day or two and Marelle is out of town) so evolved to the Celtic Age, taking along Nicolai the wolf. Ostherian had a really rather useless rattlesnake named Massasauga, who didn't make it to Age 3 (thank G'al). Ivka wrote a long and complex roleplay which was eaten by the HA gods *shakes fist*
Age 2 is VERY DIFFERENT from the way it was for Ostherian just last week - so newly evolved Eggheads must get the newest interface (unl;ess it changed in the brief time I was away).
Age 4 is the Greek Age - currently in the French version (HA is French) but it seems as though it won't be too long before it's in an English version.
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