[0:19] SalieriSoldier1 Rajal: Hi my Name is Consigliere Salieri the Consigliere from the Salieri Mafia Family.I have an offer where you cannot refuse.If you give me not every week at Sunday 25 Linden Dollar protection money my Soldiers will harass you in youre Land!
[0:20] SalieriSoldier1 Rajal: at youre photo studio in grignano
Oh, ok. ........SALAZAR!!!!!!!!!!!
/me turns on damage and locks and loads.
/me sits on a prim.
I wonder if I could get them to enter the photo contest.
Heh - Enjah was just talking about the Olden Days, when we had a wee mafiette lair above us, and a visitor or family member used to set off bombs in the house. I told him to stop as flames were engulfing the gallery, then we had one of those, "I would've stopped if you had asked me nicely, but since you were a bitch I shall now make your life a leeeeving hellllllllllllllllllllllll" exchanges.
Labels: Adventures in IM, Living Hell
posted by
- 12:56 AM

LOL - mock up a big 25L$ bill and send it to him just annoy him - it's fun poking berks :)
We could hold a "No Mafiosa" picket on your land - plakards with "No Wise Guys Allowed" and "You whacka me, I whacka you!", etc.
Oooo, go on - let's play!
/me bounces up and down like an over excited bunny
We could hold a "No Mafiosa" picket on your land - plakards with "No Wise Guys Allowed" and "You whacka me, I whacka you!", etc.
Oooo, go on - let's play!
/me bounces up and down like an over excited bunny
Well, I have thought about reacting, but then I'll never get rid of them. There's nothing little mafioso role-players like better than an opportunity to fight.
"Consigliere Salieri the Consigliere from the Salieri Mafia Family" made me dizzy. And is "youre" a kind of all purpose word for someone who doesn't want to waste brainpower determining whether "your," "you're" or "yore" is needed?
"Consigliere Salieri the Consigliere from the Salieri Mafia Family" made me dizzy. And is "youre" a kind of all purpose word for someone who doesn't want to waste brainpower determining whether "your," "you're" or "yore" is needed?
But "if you give me not every week" is pure poetry...
...or genuine Sicilian syntax. Do check under the covers before going to bed!
...or genuine Sicilian syntax. Do check under the covers before going to bed!
serves you right for logging in. you could play audiosurf instead (tetris meets guitar hero), it's only 3 bucks on steam this week
Actually it was IM-sent-to-email. I can be harrassed by mafia role-players without ever leaving gmail.
Did you ever fire up Spore?
Did you ever fire up Spore?
I got that IM when I woke up this morning. I AR'd him for extortion and figured he'd been doing it to others as well. Those noobs might be easy pickens that fall for that schtick. We'll see if he rears his ugly rear again.
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