Time flies like an arrow; fruitflies like a banana
I rarely check the email account my Theremail goes to, but I was moved to do that today. In it I found:
'Congratulations to TMP for 5 wonderful years! We began as a "hood" in URU Prime 5 years ago and the community has grown into a sustained presence on numerous MMOs across the Internet.'
I remember when the Uru-ites showed up; I had no clue where they were from or who they were so I did a little investigating and found out about the Uru diaspora. That kind of thing is facinating to me, so I hung out with them a bit to learn more. Actually, that's where I met Enjah, who had been an Uru-ite. Many fine SLers are from Uru - for instance Salazar. I'll never forget how sad the Uru contingent in There was. One person said to me, "Our world was so beautiful. I wish you could've seen it." When Uru revived I tried the beta but the fly-eye* thing** made me go crazy, so I left, never to return.
But five years - they will surely go on forever now. Cyan has had a huge impact on virtual worlds, and that stylistic influence will endure.
**also to me it seemed swampy/mildewed/fungal
posted by
- 1:20 PM
Wow, i have no idea what this is about. Should've paid more attention in history class. But I do know a bit about fun guy...it can grow on you! Lucy youdonknowme
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