Far from Heaven
ABC gum
ZOMG blew chunks. I don't require a film to be perfect as long as it's trying something worth seeing, but this was like being trapped in a flip book made of mid-fifties American automobile ads of that unreal yet stramgely appealing style. Visually it was fun, but the plot was like something written by someone a few hundred years removed and with little understanding of the time. It was odd that it imitated not the time itself but the media style of the time; I'm really not sure if it was meant to be serious, ironic, or something else. The first time the wife got into the car I was horrified that she just plumped herself down and slammed the door (without adjusting her coat), but when I realised it was imitating an imitation of reality I understood it didn't matter.
/me chucks the DVD into the envelope.
Labels: Netflix
posted by
- 3:54 AM

I agree - looked great but was unsatisfying. In its defense though, I saw the DVD commentary and it was meant to be an homage to the 1950s pot boilers (they aren't called pot boilers - there is a name for this kind of films - like the title Blaxplotation or Grind House - you know what I mean? Wikipedia says in the style of Douglas Sirk but this means little too me.) rather than a serious film on 1950s living from today's POV. I get the impression the director grew up watching those daytime films (hysterical and OTT) and wanted to make one himself.
Great bit I remember from the commentary was how the dress designers made all J Moore's dresses so they could expand to hide her growing(and by the end, HUGE) baby bump. Really interesting stuff. Better than the film.
Great bit I remember from the commentary was how the dress designers made all J Moore's dresses so they could expand to hide her growing(and by the end, HUGE) baby bump. Really interesting stuff. Better than the film.
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