People are whispering... well, loudly... maybe not whispering maybe I could say...
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People are saying XStreet SL aka SLExchange (aka sexchange) is being sold to LL. The twisted and tangled history of that online emporium has always been just a bit too much for me to bear, so I have about five things for sale on it. Even THAT took me years, but I finally stopped feeling churny about it and might've listed more things had I been motivated to do so (I'm just not motivated by money, at least motivated towards it, and yes, that is peculiar and unwise.).
Anyway, if I were a vampire hunter I'd make the sign of the cross at it, but LL is not afraid.
posted by
- 5:43 PM

Apparently some vendors are heading over to
I just learned of this and have not tried it yet. I have always been happy with SLX myself.
I just learned of this and have not tried it yet. I have always been happy with SLX myself.
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