Blogging, About the Usefulness of
Candide: i have a new blog!!!
just kidding
me: heh
I need to go dust yer old one off.
Candide: no i'm not
me: ok
Candide: i'm more like a geopard
me: I knew it was wrong but I wrote it anyway. I'm more like a leotard.
Candide: hence why you are a blogger 

me: I am truly a blogger. When my power is out I write blogposts in mah head.
Candide: do you post it in your head too?
me: nope
me: nope
I fergetz the posts as soon as the power comes on
Candide: you should get a laptop
it has portable powers
me: I have always kept journals and thinfgs tho
indeed that is something i should consider
I could be even more out of control
Candide: get one of those OPLC (one laptop per child) laptops that has a mechanical handle you can turn to generate electricity ... then you can blog forever
me: I think those are snazzy
I could pretend I am buying it for a needy child
ok goodbye
Candide: byeee
Labels: ...Is Teh Debbil
posted by
- 11:42 AM

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