*I should point out how exciting it was to be talking to Metaplace from SL*
Jade said: This event will be held simultaneously in Metaplace and Second Life. I will be in both virtual worlds simultaneously, but chatting (via text) through Second Life. Raph will be chatting from Metaplace. Adri will be chatting from Second Life. Attendees will participate from both virtual worlds and will include both people working within the virtual world/gaming industries and consumers interested in emerging trends in game development.
I'm just a know-nothing* wanderer, but I did say a few things, and asked, "Is there any other place where, like SL, there's a diversity of style possible? All the places I can think of have an overriding style to everything."
[12:20] CB: [Metaplace] Raph: Osprey, other than Metaplace? :) I thin kmost businesses are finding that strong branding and commonality of style helps garner audience.
To me Metaplace has no diversity of style. I'll have to go in some more with that quest: find something that looks different. That whole idea of no overriding style is of paramount importance to any artist, actually. It's the difference between having a pencil and a piece of paper, or using pre-printed stickers.
*I actually wrote no-nothing first - I think my SL habit of misspelling everything on purpose is starting to make me misspell things inadvertently.
posted by
- 2:42 PM

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